Friday, April 24, 2009

A Prayer for Sadie

In the midst of your busy days I invite you to log onto a blog that will change your lives - The blog is about a little girl who has had a year long battle with an inoperable, terminal brain tumor. Her mother, Tiffany, is a good friend of our family. Kelly met "Pug" when they played softball together at Utah State. She receive the call from Pug, a little over a year ago, telling her that her little 5-year-old, Sadie, had been diagnosed with DIPG, a rare cancer that has no cure and is not conducive to surgery. We have followed her blog religiously and have been humbled by Sadie and her family as they have lived the worst nightmare a family can face.

Please take a minute to read her blog. Then, hug your children a little tighter and tell them again and again how precious they are. Try not to take for granted the joy they bring to you and the miracle they are to you.

Then, say a little prayer for Sadie and her family.


  1. Oh my goodness. This kind of thing is so heartbreaking. I think I have it bad when my kids won't nap or the house is a disaster. This puts it all in perspective!

  2. Thanks for the tip. I can't even imagine watching your child suffer and not being able to do anything about it!
    BTW how was the cruise???

  3. Praying. Thanks for the reminder. As Brooke said, it's a great perspective--especially considering I lost my head over laundry today...tomorrow, I'm gonna get it together and be grateful for the little lives around me creating all that dirty laundry.
