Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fastasy Island

What's the deal with January? Nothing to look forward to. No vacations or school breaks. Crummy weather. Maybe it was meant to be a time to recoup after Christmas. Maybe it exists just to make us REALLY appreciate Spring. I'm not sure.

All I can think about in January is WHERE AM I GOING ON MY NEXT VACATION??? I need a vacation. I really do. This is how I know I need a vacation:

1. Everyday I get up, I swear my house shrunk overnight.

2. I cry when I get cruise brochures in the mail.

3. I look forward to traveling on a plane (that's just sick).

4. I leave my bed unmade expecting the maid to take care of it.

5. I look for a mint on my pillow every night.

6. I find myself only buying travel-size toiletries.

7. I can't remember what day it is.

8. I wear Hawaiian shirts and leis to school.

9. I'm thinking that I've never been to Montana. Maybe I should go.

10. I'm thinking that food storage isn't all that important....maybe the
money could be better used on a classy resort somewhere in Jamaica.

These are serious signs. The remedy can only be a vacation. Now, where should I go? There's always that trip to Paradise (Hawaii). It never fails to please. I could go back to my old high school stomping grounds at Myrtle Beach. Maybe a trip up the coast of California - Monterey and Santa Barbara are beautiful. Or perhaps a place I've never been. I don't believe in aiming low. I go for the fantasy. I know it won't happen if I never give it a shot. If I have to settle for something a little less appealing....there's always the next dream.

I'd like to know what your ultimate vacation would be. Where would you go? Who would
you go with? What would you do? Remember it's a fantasy, so go big!

Let's hear it for dreams!!!


  1. Could someone explain what I can do to correct the margin errors in my posts?

    Thanks.....still learning.

  2. Well, as this present moment if I had the opportunity to vacation (we are dreaming right?)I would have to say that I would probably go to Hawaii or cruise to the carribean to relax and do nothing. I would go with my mom and sister and eat ourselves silly while awaiting diet pepsi's poolside (I, of course, would not be wearing a bathing suit, possibly a wet suit). My other dream vacation would be Italy or an African Safari to see all the wild animals. Just an FYI, I have been to Montana and I would not reccomend it unless you like to hunt, camp or ride horses (no offense to anyone:)

  3. I've decided true vacations are tropical, no kids, no sightseeing, just laying by a pool with fountain diet coke or a beach all day and then showering and going to eat at an awesome restuarant at night with a little shopping then to bed, sleep in the next day and repeat.

    We're going to Hawaii for a week in May to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I can hardly think of anyting else--except weaning Ryan so I can go. January is the pits. I'm always grateful when Feb hits just for Valentines and something to live for.

  4. Your January vacation cravings are like my post-baby vacation cravings. As soon as the baby is born I have to plan something for a year out--just to have something to dream about. I always thought I was a beach vacation person--and I totally am--but I have come to appreciate the sight-seeing/adventure trip as well. (Adventure meaning exploring a cool city and going out to eat, not camping or exerting myself.) Tyler and I are going to Hawaii soon--and sadly my dream right now is to just sleep the whole time. I don't even care about the beach or even restaurants! I just want to sleep. Sad! I've heard that Jamaica is fabulous. Tyler and I did Italy a couple years ago and it was as close to a dream trip as I can imagine. It has made me crave more Eurpore--maybe Germany next? It's so fun to just think about.

  5. Ashley -
    I've been to Germany twice and was so surprized that I loved it so much. The country is beautiful - especially the Black Forest. The food is fattening, but yummy. I recommend a trip to Heidelberg - it's beautiful and the shopping is amazing. There's a little Chrismas shop there that will make you drool. I did serious damange there - twice. Can't wait to go back. There are castles everywhere - makes you feel that you've gone back in time. Anyway, I highly recommend it.
